Natural UTI Protocol
This protocol is designed to heal the UTI naturally and teach your body to deal with future imbalances so you never get a UTI again. Next time you contract one, give this a try even though it may take slightly longer for your symptoms to resolve. Also continue to do whatever you can to improve your body’s microbiome which will also help to prevent future infections (probiotics, fermented food, eat more veggies for prebiotic fiber, heal/seal the gut, cleanse colon, cleanse liver, etc).
First 24hrs of infection you want to fast, having only herbal teas and or green juices.
Food/drink - you want to eat lightly and rest/sleep as much as possible to allow your body to focus on the active infection. So this means fresh green juices, vegetable/bone broths, blended veggie soups, lemon juice water, steamed vegetables, cranberry juice w/o sugar, cucumber, teas (fresh ginger tea, dandelion tea, triphala powder hot water)
Goldenseal - 900mg 3x per day (high dose). Can take for up to 10-14 days max. Get a high quality brand and in capsules, not tincture.
Oil of oregano - 3 drops, 3x per day (can take with Goldenseal).
Probiotics - do a high quality one like Strengthia or Megaspore 2x per day in between taking the goldenseal/oregano. Also continue to eat fermented veggies, kefirs, cultured foods during and after the infection to prevent a return.
Cranberry - during infection, take cranberry caps w/ mannose 3x per day. You can also drink organic unsweetened cranberry juice throughout the day like this one.
Use 1/2 - 1 tsp of aluminum free baking soda in a large glass of water to soothe burning symptoms up to 2x per day (away from meals). Try to only do this when pain is intense.
Other tips - use natural detergents for your clothes, use natural soaps for baths, urinate before/after intercourse, use coconut oil as lubricant if UTI's are related to intercourse.
About The Author

Firoze Mehta is a Nutrition Therapist Master and Certified Hippocrates Health Educator® specializing in helping people with cancer. Whatever the health condition, Firoze helps others to learn the truth about health and disease, while providing the guidance and support of a personal coach. If you're interested in learning more, click here.