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Hi, I'm Firoze [fir - o's]

I'm a Holistic Cancer Nutritionist specializing in helping people to heal from cancer and other serious chronic conditions.

Having gone through my own 17 year journey from chronic disease to full recovery, I became passionate about nutrition and all the miraculous ways in which we can heal ourselves.

I love all things nutrition and health. But if I were to be honest, Truth is my passion.. in any form it takes. It is why we are here after all, to re-member the Truth of who we are. I may not have all the answers, but I will always seek out the light and share the Truths that will help elevate your health to the next level.     


What Do I Mean By Truth?

Why do I keep spelling Truth with a capital 'T'? Well, because I am not referring to "my truth" or your truth. I'm talking about Universal Truths, if you will. Yes I dare say it! Now, I'm fully aware there is not one way of eating or even living for everyone. We are all unique expressions, and we must honor that if we expect to heal and thrive. But apart from our unique bio-individualities, there are certain Universal Truths that have been ignored or actively suppressed by our society, which has lead us to the situation we find ourselves in today. Dis-ease in the body. Cancer.  

When we look at the state of our health as a society and planet, we're not doing too well. Remember coronavirus? How about the epidemic rates of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and mental illness? How about our endless wars? How about the planet itself? Regardless of what you believe, can you not tell how unstable the world has become? All these things I mentioned are mere symptoms; manifestations of our past actions. Call it karma, or warning signs of something much deeper going on. What I'm suggesting is that the reasons for all our suffering and disease point to a lack of understanding the Universal Truths. Truths which emerge out of the most fundamental questions of existence: Who are we? Where did we come from? And why are we here?  

You may say, what's any of this Truth business got to do with my health? We're talking about how to eat and exercise, how to be free from cancer, how to not stress and have anxiety, etc. Well I'm a very different type of nutritionist if you haven't figured that out already. I don't believe it's all about the food like so many Westerners obsess about. Don't get me wrong, quality, nutrient-dense, real food is absolutely essential to our well-being. Hippocrates himself said "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." Ripe, local, organic, whole food prepared properly heals the body, there is no question about it. It's what I've been trained in. And when we work together 1-on-1, we will absolutely tick the nutrition box as thoroughly as you're ready for. And not just nutrition, but all of the Fundamental Pillars of Health.

But say I just tell you what to eat and how to do everything perfectly (as if there were such a thing)? Does that work? I can tell you from experience, it doesn't. In fact, it can be quite stressful to feel you have to do everything perfectly all the time. So is food itself the root of the problem? Or is the toxic, nutrient-deplete, convenience foods we've become addicted to a mere symptom of something even deeper? Is "to be healthy" even the point of why we are here on this Earth? What are we going to do when we get healthy? Go back to living in all the same ways which made us unhealthy in the first place? Now we're getting to it! This is my entire premise: if you want to understand what it takes to be healthy, you must first understand exactly all of the factors that made your body dis-eased to begin with. And don't be quick to assume it's bad luck or genetics. There are very specific, tangible reasons for everything in life. No effect is without its cause. 

So What Does It Take To Achieve The Pillars Of Health?

I would like to propose something quite radical, full well knowing it will push some of you away (if you're still reading this). But for the rest, I'm trusting this will speak to a deeper knowing that resides within you, and has been there all along.  

Physical reality is not as physical as we've been told. From the moment we were born, we were thrust into a society that has insisted this material world to be the one and only reality. Physical existence. Big bang. Evolution. Biology. Chemistry. Physics. Everything we can observe and measure with our 5 senses is real. Anything beyond that? Dark matter, empty space, New Age, woo woo. 

This is how Westerners think. And if you were well-adjusted to this society, you are likely to believe this as being the one and only truth yourself.  But what about Eastern cultures? What about indigenous people? Ancient civilizations? How about the 2022 Nobel prize winning quantum physicists who proved that reality is nonlocal? Is this what they believe? Isn't it strange that over 10's of thousands of years of human existence, they all reached the exact same understanding of what reality actually is?

Well, yes.. that's what I'm talking about! Where do you think meditation or yoga comes from? We partake in these things superficially without understanding what they were actually trying to achieve originally. I'll tell you this, it wasn't to "be healthy" or to look good in yoga pants! They knew from their own ancient scriptures and masters that one of the primary purposes of our Earthly existence is to live in the world of perceived duality/separation, and awaken to the embodied awareness of who and what you truly are. Why? Not only is it our soul's deepest desire, but it is the source of everything we as humans truly desire in this lifetime: happiness, joy, peace, love, connection, energy and yes.. health

When I ask, what does it really take to achieve the fundamental pillars of health.. this is what I'm talking about. I am not asking you to become a yogi or Zen master. What I'm asking is for you to let go of all the attachments that are creating blockages within your energy field and keeping your physical body in a state of dis-ease. Fake foods, toxic relationships, the job you hate, the marriage you wish you could leave, the judgements you hold about others, the fears, the anxieties, the worries, the political opinions that create division, etc. Without letting go of these old patterns, you are just dealing with your physical problems at a symptom level using brute force and will power. Eventually, your conditioning will bring you right back to the same default habits that have always existed for you. 


I've seen many definitions of health include spirituality as a pillar, but rarely do I see anyone take that seriously enough for it to actually matter. We're more interested in diet, exercise and supplements. Why? Because deep down we know these are all further distractions from the real issues we're too afraid to face. It is my belief that dedicating yourself towards pursuing the Truth, in all its forms, is the pre-requisite to achieving eternal health and well-being.. and it all starts with letting go of the strong convictions and beliefs that keep you from allowing your true nature to express itself. 

Keep Going...

So I've now briefly explained what I believe it takes to achieve true health. Truth. In all it's forms. If you skip this step, I'm not going to say it's impossible to heal from your cancer; but you can easily be led astray by believing in some fundamental falsehood; and you will only go so far in your journey by being attached to things that do not necessarily matter in the bigger picture. For example, you could be eating an absolutely perfect diet but still be triggered and upset every time you see the activities of others who do not align with your political beliefs. At your core, you feel as if you live in a hostile world, and thus you remain stressed out and sick.. all for what? An absolute delusion you won't let go of. 

Where Do We Go From Here?


If any of what I've been saying resonates with you, we are likely a good match for each other. Even if you're not sure but are just a little bit curious what I'm on about, hit the button below to bring us together for a free introduction call. You can tell me a bit about yourself, your goals and ask any questions you'd like about health. It'll just be an informal conversation. I'll let you know all the details of what I offer. You'll then forever have me a resource for whenever you're ready to get started.

Thank you for taking the time to read all this, and if you haven't gotten a chance already, poke around the website a bit and enjoy the content! ❤️

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